Lin Gang,Shao Dazhen etc And me have honor to be chosen to repin academy of fine arts oil painting

Lin Gang,Shao Dazhen etc And me have honor to be chosen to repin academy of fine arts oil painting

Shortly after, my classmate in domestic JinShangYi and others took part in the former Soviet union painter maxi merv open art cadre training custom portrait painting class in Beijing. It should be said that when the Russian realistic oil painting is a comprehensive range of influence on China’s. Starting from the second half of the 19th century, European oil painting of the top position actually are from Western Europe, southern Europe to Russia, Russian “tour painting reached its zenith at that time, the level of the Russian painter at that time should go beyond peer western European painter.
To repin academy of fine arts in two years, would have caught opened in 200, arguably, the European painting traditional accumulation is also rich in Russia. Study abroad in early generation in China to Russia, we directly studied Russian painting “tour” plain, close to the characteristics of life. In repin academy of fine arts, there are many opportunities to contact the real master of the original.
In our teaching teacher wu and rove, Peter, in the Ming dynasty later, they became full respectively Sue fine arts dean and dean of repin academy of fine arts. When they rarely marketization that generation painter’s works,family portrait painting works are hidden in the museum, represents the real academic direction.
Reporter: Sue back home, why did you choose the guangzhou?
Guo Shaogang: in the final year of repin academy of fine arts, I joined a very famous painter, especially nie, spring Pi’s studio, then we draw are all workers, farmers, and a lot of simple things, is different from European classical oil painting in the luxuriant. Realism oil painting of the peak, as it were, from Western Europe to Russia, and then spread to China. Us that a group of Sue painter, the thought back to the former Soviet union to accept at the time of the home.
Guangdong had a Li Tiefu, had to follow the famous painter of gold, and chase, can be said to be the first in China to attack western pioneer research of oil painting art. I looked at his painting, I have a belief that foreigner painting of Chinese will be able to draw well, later I also chose to guangzhou.
I think that the Chinese and foreign art has a lot of common things. The more influence to me is I read lu xun’s essay “secret composition”. Many young people ask how to write a composition by lu xun, lu xun gave 12 word answer: “have the meaning, to whitewash, less affected, do not show off”. I accept in the repin academy of fine arts oil painting education is a kind of democratic ideas, “painting” tour, when you go to advocate materials of folk, folk, sympathy labor people, then the works to the cities to tour exhibition.
No life is no art, as we this generation life artistic faith, returned home after we also taught the students of guangdong

Domestic also have oil painting buyers over the past two years, some media oil painting also interested in him. He likes Chinese art oil painting market

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